Humanaesfera website is a product of debates and conversations between many people who are not a formal group, often even between random people from everyday life, at work, buses, streets, queues, trains, etc. The aim is to bring together, or, so to speak, to "save" (for a larger public and for the future) the libertarian Communist ideas, which have no owners, and which appear scattered throughout society.
Humanaesfera - email: joaosac@yahoo.com.br
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humanaesfera
Twitter: https://twitter.com/humanaesfera
- Telegraphic communist theory
A telegraphic (i.e. brief, concise and direct) presentation of communist theory. Basic concepts: private property, capital, proletariat, class struggle and communism.- Private property, scarcity and democracy
This article was originally written as a response to "libertarians" who see scarcity as a natural, objective and eternal consecration of private property and the market. It also describes a perspective concerning the limitations of democracy in relation to the transformation of the material conditions of existence.- Against the metaphysics of scarcity, for the practical copiousness
A reply to the following objection: "The abundance (overcoming scarcity) is impossible since we live in a world with limited resources, not only economically, but physically, so overcoming scarcity is a metaphysical, absurd demand, which requires a complete automation of the infinite universe to deliver to each individual, raised to the status of a god, every whim and arbitrariness."
- Private property, substance of state
A detailed and concise analysis of what the state is and how it operates.
- Universally interconnected / interdependent conditions of existence
This article seeks to demonstrate that defending "identities", "nations", "ethnic zones", "communities", "countries", "autarchies", "autonomous territories" or "self-managed areas” is the same as claim the establishment of new private properties and, consequently, new capitals and new states. The article also addresses the issue of the irruption of the world human community which suppresses private property worldwide.- Against strategy
A critique of ideology of the strategy from the perspective of the concept of class composition.- Against patriotism - against nationalism - down with the national boundaries!
“If they insist, these cannibals,On making heroes of us,They will know soon that our bulletsAre for our own generals.” (the internationale)
- Artificial intelligence, unemployment and universal basic income: another panacea of the owner class
How can AI concretely change capitalist society? And how can universal basic income be implemented in practice?- A social history of the Internet: of conjuration, bubbles, and subsumption to capital
Article on the history of the Internet from its initial period in the 1990s, when content was uncontrollable to the private property system (enterprises and governments) until its real subsumption to capital and the state, that is happening today, through "social media", the depopulation of the World Wide Web, the emergence of smartphones, the gamification of commando, “collaborative economy”, the development of the Internet of things, blockchain, etc. The text analyses the contradictions and changes in social relations that the Internet has brought about since its inception.
The nationalized capitalism of Cuba and the worldwide class struggle.- Against rewards and punishments (against meritocracy, against coercion)
Short text addressing the issue of rewards and punishments, law, rule of law, meritocracy and wage labor.
- Autonomy and daily life - Spinoza and Kant's imperative: "Treat others and yourself as ends, never as means"
A short text about the basics of materialist ethics, our power to change the circumstances of everyday life and creating and developing our abilities and needs.- Is autonomy advanced by identity struggles? - humanaesfera
A short article on how identity politics necessarily destroys class solidarity and autonomy by reinforcing the separation (and competition) through which submission to ruling class is reproduced - reinforcing all its power structures: state, law, police, company, private property, gangs...
An attempt to analyze how the material conditions of existence explain the reactionary psychology that prevails in the working class insofar as it is crushed as a class and reproduces exploitation.
- Strike and free production
When most workers are in the service sector, does the striking tactic make sense if the proletariat use such services in their daily lives? How can we encourage class solidarity in this case?
- A dissection of the metaphysics of scarcity
Philosophical article that criticizes the metaphysics of scarcity, widely used (as "unquestionable presupposition") to justify the status quo, repression, commodity exchange, state, exploitation - a true theodicy (an imaginary justification of the sufferings and evils of the world). It shows how both economics and ecology are variations of this same metaphysics, radicalized by the commodity fetishism that pervades subjectivity in modern, capitalist society. And there's an addendum that addresses the pre-capitalist gift.- The illusion of the precapitalist "gift"
(This text is an addendum to A dissection of the metaphysics of scarcity)What was the precapitalist gift? In what concrete material circumstances did it make sense? Here, we briefly want to show that the precapitalist conditions which made the gift to make sense are not only without return, but are also absolutely undesirable today. In communist society the enjoyment of the productive forces can neither be a gift nor an exchange of commodities.
- A brief history of the state
(This text is an addendum to Private property, substance of state)How did the state become distinct from the castes and presented itself as a neutral entity that hovers and contrasts with a so-called civil society? What is the relation between the emergence of capitalist power over the world and the emergence of absolutist monarchies and nation-states? This short article presents a synthetic look at the history of the emergence of the modern state.
- Against the (new and old) familism - down with the family!
A critique of the family as well as of the ideas of reforming it. The article also deals with the changes of the family in capitalist society, in which there is an increasingly real subsumption of human reproduction to capital.- Reply to Kontra Klasa. On the transition to communism
Reply to Kontraklasa's Notes on the transition to communism.
- The attractive machinery. The theory of passionate attraction (excerpts) - Charles Fourier
Excerpts from various works by Charles Fourier (1772-1837) which set out his main ideas: the combined order of the passionate series, the 12 passions, gluttony, attractive labor, education, criticism of free will and civilization. Despite several mistakes, such as the maintenance of the wage system (and hence class society, commodity and state), and the illusion about the possibility of an alternative economy parallel to capitalism, and also a certain teleological naturalist fantasy, the fundamental ideas of Charles Fourier remain extremely insightful and impressive.
- Marx, individualist communist! (excerpts on the individual) - Karl Marx
A collection of excerpts from Marx's works that addresses individuals, their subordination arising from their mutual isolation and separation by which they submit to an alienated power that unites them by isolating them - the market, the state, enterprise, capital, classes. And on the creation of a society where individuals relate as individuals (i.e. not as private property owners, nor as classes, nor as post holders, or other reified identities, such as nationality, ethnicity, etc.), where labor was abolished by self-expression (or self-activity) through the free association of individuals according to their desires, capacities and needs with the world-historical productive forces …
- L'Humanitaire (1841), the first libertarian communist publication (excerpts)
Excerpts from L'Humanitaire, a journal published in 1841 in Paris. The journal expressed the tendency called "communistes matérialistes", also called "communistes immédiats" or "humanitaires". It was “the first libertarian communist publication”, according to historian Max Nettlau.
- The Humanisphere (excerpts) - Joseph Déjacque
Excerpts from L'humanisphere. Utopie Anarchique, 1857.
- Bolsonaro's conditions of existence
What happened in Brazil and the history that explains it, from a practical materialist perspective (ie from the bottom up). There is also this audio reading by Adrestia´s Revolt.
- What happened in June 2013 in Brazil? - From the incipient material community to its reactionary destruction in the ideological pseudo-community
After five years, we revisited this historic event that marked a shift in Brazilian history (unfortunately, a shift for the worse).
- Huge truck drivers strike in Brazil in May 2018
Initially, capitalists of the freight sector tried to use the strike to bargain in the name of their interests in the inter-capitalist competition against the oil companies and the government. There was doubt whether it was lockout or strike. But then the strike went out of control. When the capitalists of the freight sector made an agreement with the government to end it, the workers continued it and the strike increased even more.
- The rebellion of truck drivers at a crossroads - Iniciativa Revolução Universal
Material originally published in Portuguese by comrades organized around Universal Revolution Initiative. It’s a leaflet distributed during the struggles that are currently taking place, in the spring of 2018, in the region dominated by the Brazilian State.
- On the current events in Brazil - Iniciativa Revolução Universal
Impressive account of the events in Brazil and the conditions of the class struggle, from 2013 to the impeachment of President Dilma in 2016.

SUBVERSION PRESS website has published a booklet to print (PDF) which contains two of our texts translated into English.
Humanaesfera is communism: the free association without borders of individuals, where free access to practical conditions of existence - to the interconnected means of production and life on a world scale which ceased to be private property - has emancipated humanity from all social coercion, either economic, business, state, territorial, educational, family or cultural.
The purpose of this website is to unfold and to arm explicitly in the twenty-first century the most basic and repressed thought-desire-need of the proletariat since its emergence in the eighteenth century:
a) abolition of work: abolition of any system of rewards and punishments; consequently, the end of every repulsive, annoying, tedious and / or boring activity, the end of everything that is not attractive in itself, in order to all productive activity be the free multilateral expression of human creativity, capacities and needs; abolition of the labor market; therefore, the end of the slavery of wages, money, and commodity, and for this to be possible,
b) abolition of private property of the means of life and production (abolition of the enterprise, of capital, no matter whether the owners are states or particular individuals), to ensure free access to the practical means of realization and self-formation of the desires and needs of the individuals in free association, who will find free and gratuitous their practical material conditions of existence and self-realization. Wherefore,
c) abolition of national borders, because it is only possible to guarantee free access to the material conditions of existence - to the means of life and production, which are indissolubly interdependent on a world scale - by abolishing every private circumscription of any territory of the world with regard to every human being. Hence,

d) abolition of the State, since only by suppressing the armed body separated from the population (police and armed forces) will it be possible to free the population from that which is the only thing effectively depriving it (by force of arms) of having free access to their conditions of existence.
These are the minimum requirements for individuals to realize and produce their own potential as themselves (this is freedom), so they will never be forced to reduce themselves to commodities offered in the labor market, nor forced to be reduced to the condition of objects of consumption for corporate or state administration.
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